Cultural Cities Commission meeting, Kaunas

Cultural Cities Commission will hold its oopen meeting in Kaunas, Lithuania, on 18-20 May 2022.
This event is organized as a part of Cultural Forum as well as round table discussion to share topicalities of cultural fields and to create Commission’s activities plan for upcoming year. 1-2 participants from each city are advised to arrive in Kaunas on 18 May and join others at the welcome dinner. We kindly ask you to take care of your travel to Kaunas and accommodation costs. All meals during the meeting programme itself and materials will be provided to all participants.
The European Capital of Culture Forum will take place on 19 May at Žalgirio Arena in Kaunas. Forum programme: https://forumas.kaunas2022.eu/en/
The Cultural Cities Commission meeting will take place on 20 May. Program details will be communicated to you shortly after 12 May.
The meeting will match with the most important events of the year in Kaunas. The end of May is a great time to visit European Capital of Culture and to celebrate its birthday in a unique way this year – the European Capital of Culture will be hosting “The Confluence” weekend on 20-22 May, the second part of the Contemporary Kaunas Myth trilogy. You can find more information about the event: bit.ly/3F4Wc9T
Please register until 12 May: bit.ly/3vWswrs
Please contact for any further questions regarding the meeting: inga.zinkeviciute@kaunas.mvb.lt