Culture4Climate (C4C) Online Exploration-Workshop

28 JUNE 2021 > 13:00-15:00 (CET) > Culture4Climate (C4C) Online Exploration-Workshop
Registration Link: https://bit.ly/3iOie7S (open until 27 June 2021)
We are looking for EXPERTS / ADVISORS (cultural content producers, event organisers, space owners, artists, performers) to join an online exploration-workshop facilitated by Change Pilots in collaboration with ARS BALTICA, Growing Pathways and UBC Cultural Cities Commission.
The aim of the meeting is to share expertise, challenges and needs of the cultural sector in order to develop relevant tools facing the climate change.
CULTURE4CLIMATE (C4C) offers a collaborative forum where such sharing can be made possible, and where experience across disciplines and borders can focus on action, not only on intentions.
The offered C4C workshop is:
* a chance to get involved in C4C project;
* give concrete input to shape the project;
* to become a possible partner for a larger BSR-wide funded future project.
Please find the additional information about the C4C attached.