Day of the Wacko – masquerade in the maze in the Hortulus Gardens

It is a cyclical event that crowns the holidays. It takes place in August and is the funniest day of the year. The event does not have a carefully planned program, because you create its scenario! We never know how many costumed people will visit our gardens and what pranks and jokes will accompany them. On this day, we are just waiting with our cameras to capture your creativity.
The whole event is accompanied by one rule – you have to dress up, but not just like that. The prize in the form of a free entry to the Spectabilis Gardens is available to people in a complete outfit that does not raise any doubts. This principle is guarded by the staff of our employees, so far they have been, among others: Marie Antoinette, The Dragon and the Princess or Elsa from Frozen.
We take hundreds of photos during the event. It is worth posing for them because after the masquerade we are announcing an online competition for the best disguise. The Hortulus Gardens competition commission selects the finalists on the basis of the photographs taken. Internet users decide who will get the title of the best costumed person by voting on Facebook.
More information: https://cit-mielno-pl.translate.goog/wydarzenia/dzien-swira-maskarada-w-labiryncie-w-ogrodach-hortulus/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp