Delicate Diamonds

We are planning a large production with sound, lights and LED screens so you can expect an even better performance than last time. New songs have been rehearsed and in addition we have brought in a saxophonist to give the audience an even greater musical experience. Welcome to hear perhaps Norway’s best Pink Floyd Tribute Band.
The band consists of the following members: Pawel Matych-Keyboard, Tore Tjøstolvsen – Bass/Vocal, Julius Salvesen -Drums, Daniel O.Andsersen-Guitar, Johnny Sandåker-Vocal/Guitar, Heidi Hangeland- Choir/Vocal.
More information: https://www-visitsorlandet-com.translate.goog/event/delicate-diamonds/698850306/?_x_tr_sl=no&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp