Easter Fair

2024-03-22 to 2024-03-24
After the success of the Christmas Fair, the city of Darłowo is preparing another fair event for the upcoming Easter. The Easter fair will take place on March 22-24. The organizers will build two tent halls on the Darłowo market square, where for three days you will be able to purchase numerous specialties from regional exhibitors. Handicrafts, decorations, decorations, baskets, toys, gastronomy, wood products, decorations and many other attractions will reign supreme here.
More information: https://www-darlowo-pl.translate.goog/wydarzenie/jarmark-wielkanocny-w-darlowie/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp