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Elbląg Bread Festival 2024

2024-08-23 to 2024-08-25

The Elbląg Bread Festival is primarily a fair with regional baked goods, food products, handicrafts and folk art.

The event, which attracts hundreds of visitors, will take place for the 18th time. This is one of the largest regional products fairs in Northern Poland.

For three days, the Old Town will be teeming with life, tempting with smells and flavors. In every part of the Elbląg Old Town you will find something interesting. In addition to baked goods, the stands include confectionery, cold meats, organic food and handicrafts. But it is not everything. The Elbląg Bread Festival also includes cooking together and workshops, among others. kneading and baking bread, performances and concerts.

We cordially invite you!

More information: https://turystyka-elblag-eu.translate.goog/szczegoly/25,70,elblaskie-swieto-chleba-2024?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp