Elva SuveStriim x Tamhiis

2024-06-08 to 2024-08-24
The best of Estonian DJs will give the right rhythm to gloomy summer evenings in Elva!
On the shores of the picturesque Arbi lake, Estonia’s best disc jockeys unpack their record cases, under whose hands the beach and the beach promenade make a wonderful sound. On six evenings from June to August, the edge of Lake Arbi becomes a favorite place for music lovers, dance enthusiasts and just-so summerers.
More information: https://elvakultuur-ee.translate.goog/sundmused/elva-suvestriim-x-tamhiis/?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp