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Eugenijus Chrebtovas. Frank Sinatra Tribute


The singer Eugenijus Chrebtovas, who is well known to the public and currently receiving a lot of attention, has prepared another unique musical celebration for the listeners, which is not for nothing called “Frank Sinatra Tribute”. During the only and exclusive concert, the listeners will have a unique opportunity to go back several decades and sing, clap and sway together to the rhythm of swing, to the sound of music well known to everyone and recognizable from the very first bars. The concert will be decorated with songs such as “Sway”, “Fly me to the Moon”, “Let’s Fly Away”, “That’s Life” and many others. As soon as we hear the names, we willy-nilly start humming the tunes, so what could be better than relaxing in the background of great music. To make the celebration really wild, the performer used a professional team to implement it – a rhythm group, which will give the music many unique shades, and the troupe of professional dancers “Baltijos Ballet Theater”, which conquered not only our domestic, but also foreign audiences with exceptional dance performances. For this concert, the entire team is preparing an exclusive program that will move and heatwave everyone present.

More information: https://www-palangosks-lt.translate.goog/placiau/629?_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp