Exhibition “Passion for creation, with disabilities without barriers.”

The exhibition is a presentation of works created in the “Pomocna Dłoń” (“Helping hand”) Association in Reda over approximately 8 years as part of art classes, developing the passion for creation, art therapy and the development of fine motor skills among disabled people at the association’s headquarters in the School Complex in Reda. The works of disabled people were created under the supervision of artist and therapist Aleksandra Mazurkiewicz-Tiesler and by parents and guardians as part of the self-fulfillment of creative passions and interest in various artistic techniques.
More information: https://fabrykakultury-pl.translate.goog/repertuar/wernisaz-pasja-tworzenia-z-niepelnosprawnoscia-bez-barier/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp