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Exhibition: Water – states of matter, flows, energy | The art of emotions transferred to canvases

2023-11-29 to 2023-12-30

An important aspect of Magdalena Wesołowska’s exhibition is to present the artist’s painting workshop to the audience. It is also interesting how the painter made her works and what emotions she faced during the process of creating her works.

Watching the series of paintings, we can go through all the states of water, but also through the painter’s inner feelings transferred onto canvas and paper. The symbolic meaning of water in the artist’s paintings allows for a kind of cleansing: thoughts, soul and heart. With her work, the author takes us to an abstract world and gives us a sense of peace and respite that we can find, among others, in the soothing colors of her paintings.

More information: https://turystyka-elblag-eu.translate.goog/kalendarz-imprez/3096,wystawa-woda-stany-skupienia-przeplywy-energia-szt?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp