About JAZZ DAYS IN TAURAGĖ 2023 The jazz music festival, which is already in its ninth year in Taurage, invites you to events again. If you haven’t managed to plan all the summer weekends yet, the organizers of the event suggest diversifying the summer by visiting concerts in Taurage, Jurbarka and Pagėgii from June 1 to August 30. The high-quality music festival gives the opportunity to hear classic and never-before-heard jazz rhythms, meet a different self in a creative environment and enjoy a unique experience. And this year, the “Taurage Jazz Days 2023” festival will try to meet the musical needs of both jazz gourmets and jazz lovers. A series of concerts and other entertainment events are presented for the audience’s appreciation in different spaces. What could be more fun in the middle of summer than good music and fun company?
More info: https://taurage2023-lt.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp