Festive concert “In my amber dreams”

“There is so much happiness in my amber dreams!…”, says the poem by Viļas Plūdonis, which composer Jānis Lūsēns has chosen for his song – a tribute to Sonora Vaice.
A vital and joyful theatrical concert program dedicated to the national holiday of Latvia, which is united by warmly positive, associatively rich theater and cinema music of Latvian composers with well-known melodies. The plot will lead the viewer through various life events and emotional states and moods of a person – our fellow man, each of us – from joy to tears, making you think and ask yourself questions: is the life we live a theater? how true are we to ourselves and others?
The melodies will tempt you to sing along, as they include the melodies of popular Latvian composers.
More information: https://vkc-lv.translate.goog/notikums/svetku-koncerts-manos-dzintara-sapnos-2/?_x_tr_sl=lv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp