Festive concert “Magic of the Viennese Waltz”

The Jonava Cultural Center hall will feature a theatrical program by Viennese operetta composers – Johann Strauss, Franz Lehar and Imre Kalman. The concert, pulsating with beautiful melodies and good mood, will invite you to see off the old year and welcome the New Year cheerfully and upbeat. The festive concert will feature arias and duets from J. Strauss’s operettas “Vienna Blood”, “The Bat”, “The Gypsy Baron”, I. Kalman’s “The Lamplighter of Montmartre”, “The Czardas Queen”, “Mister X”, F. Lehar’s “The Merry Widow”, “Judy”, as well as waltzes, polkas and marches performed by the Vilnius Sinfonietta.
More information: https://www-jkc-lt.translate.goog/renginys/?rid=1350&_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp