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A play about Florence Foster Jenkins, called “the worst singer in the history of the world”! This is a charming comedy about a rich, eccentric lady who, having neither musical ear nor a pleasant voice tone, performed on the largest opera stages, thanks to the huge fortune left to her by her deceased father. Surrounded by a crowd of admirers and flatterers, Florence lived as each of us should live – in harmony with herself and her dreams. As she herself used to say: “Some may say that I can’t sing, but no one will say that I don’t sing!” This motto guided her and was a signpost, leading to the very top of the operatic and social world. What are the limits of good taste? Who is George Leyden College? Does sherry have a good effect on the voice? The answer to these fundamental questions is contained in the play “Florence!”

More information: https://www-kupbilecik-pl.translate.goog/imprezy/151489/Rumia/Florence%21/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp