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Globaltica 2024

2024-07-19 to 2024-07-21

Globaltica is a summer, multidisciplinary festival, the framework of which is determined by broadly understood culture. This year, it’s three days full of music from different parts of the world and a series of inspiring workshops and meetings in the Mind Power Zone, focused on well-being and relaxation. At the Engaged Cinema there will be film screenings and meetings with artists, and at the Social Town there will be unforgettable culinary experiences and carefully selected exhibitors offering, among others: unique utility products.

More information: https://www-gdynia-pl.translate.goog/mieszkaniec/koncerty,6824/globaltica-2024,578286?did=93878&_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp