Gosia Andrzejewicz concert

Gosia Andrzejewicz – pop singer, composer, songwriter. Her accomplishments include 5 recorded albums, prestigious music awards, top places on the charts (among others: RMF FM, Radio Zet, MTV, VIVA), gold records, and a large number of fans (over 135,000 on Facebook). Finalist of the program “Your Face Sounds Familiar”, in which she won 3 episodes playing such artists as Beata Kozidrak and Mariah Carey. Despite a very active concert activity, the artist is also working on another solo album, which is heralded by the latest single “Forever”.
More information: https://fabrykakultury-pl.translate.goog/repertuar/gosia-andrzejewicz-na-urodziny-fabryki-kultury/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp