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Karlskrona Archipelago Festival 2024

2024-07-30 8:00 am to 2024-08-04 5:00 pm

Karlskrona Archipelago Festival 2024 takes place from July 30 to August 4 and most things are free during the days of the festival. But with a party pass, you are treated to body cakes during Wednesday’s opening party, entrance to all concerts on Stortorget on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, as well as a number of other offers and discounts.
Watch out! More info, program items and activities are released continuously.

More information: https://www-visitkarlskrona-se.translate.goog/sv/karlskrona-skargardsfest-2024?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp