Kevin Vågenes is single in couples therapy

2023-01-13 8:00 am to
2023-01-14 5:00 pm
In “Singel i Parterapi” Kevin Vågenes stands alone on the comedy stage for the very first time with a funny, musical and personal show. In addition to getting to know Kevin better behind the mask, we get to meet Kjell-Simen, Kenneth, Sara-Eline and several of the much-loved characters from the Couple Therapy sofa.
More information: https://www-visitsorlandet-com.translate.goog/arendal/event-arendal/kevin-v%c3%a5genes-er-singel-i-parterapi-arendal-kulturhus/304586/?_x_tr_sl=no&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp