Khrystyna Solovya concert

In war, time seems to stand still. It is difficult to go through all the trials that every Ukrainian now has. Khrystyna Solovii, who constantly promotes everything Ukrainian, tries with her concerts to help her compatriots to distract themselves from thoughts about the war, at least for a short time. Already on July 19, her big Ukrainian tour begins.
“I go to Ukraine with concerts, because this is my business as an artist, my cultural front. On the tour, I want to earn money to transfer it to the needs of the army. First, I want to prove that already now, thanks to Ukrainian defenders, Ukrainian culture can and will take place in Ukraine . Even during the war. And no Russian will be able to prevent this. And after and thanks to the tour, I want to thank the Ukrainian army for the opportunity to be a Ukrainian artist in Ukraine. Live. Fight. We will win! Glory to Ukraine!” – said Khrystyna.
More information: https://moemisto-ua.translate.goog/km/hristina-soloviy-u-hmelnitskomu-50857.html?_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp