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La Strada concert


The La Strada concert travels under the Italian sky and has collected all the best pieces of Italian music. From the opera world, you can hear e.g. Amor ti vieta, Ch`ella mi crea. Also included are tenors’ favorite songs Mamma, Mattinata, Core ngrato, Non ti scordar di me, Con te partiro. In addition, the concert features lighter e.g. Silver Moon, Boy from the Shadowy Alleys, La Strada. The soloist is tenor Jyrki Anttila.

More information: https://kalenteri-jyvaskyla-fi.translate.goog/en/tapahtuma/44d04dc9-a359-4e2a-abb2-5b74de3eca90?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_hist=true