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Learning Cities Commission webinar


The UBC Learning Cities Commission warmly welcomes you to join the second webinar of this Autumn on the topic of segregation. The webinar will be organized on the 30th of November, 13.00-14.30 EET.

In this webinar, Emil Kustnetsoff, project manager for the Reduction of school segregation in Turku, will give us a presentation that takes a hard look at school segregation and the measures and models being used to fight against it. We will also be hearing best practices from teachers Anna Listewnik and Agnieszka Malinowska from Gdańsk, who will address the topic of segregation from the view point of international projects and the best practices in learning.

Please register via this link. The registration closes on 29th of November 12.00 EET. The meeting link will be send to participants on the same day.


Learning Cities