Lina Rastokaitė: Roles

Lina Rastokaitė invites you to the synthesis of music, theater and lights “Vaidmenys”
Live concerts of LINA RASTOKAITĖ, actress and singer, winner of the LRT project “Golden Voice” , are musical stories in which the artist’s original music, world and Lithuanian music hits, a lot of theater and even musical ritual will be combined into one common whole – a synthesis. Serious and humorous about the roles and truths of life.
More information: https://www-bilietai-lt.translate.goog/lit/renginiai/koncertai/lina-rastokaite-vaidmenys-taurage-403491/?_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp