Lithuanian Symphony Wind Orchestra. Musical fairy tale for the whole family “Christmas in Trumpet City”

The Christmas breeze with Nordic frost will soon be knocking on your door! Maybe you want to shake the hand of the conductor, always serious traffic regulator, hear the secrets of the bankers from Tuba club, join the city musicians Saxophones? Or maybe you want to start a real strike together with the musicians and shout at the top of your lungs: “We want to live the way we want!” We want to play as we want! We want – as we want! We want – as we want!” The Lithuanian Symphony Wind Orchestra invites you to a musical fairy tale full of Christmas spirit, “Christmas in Trumpet City”. In a theatrical musical fairy tale for the whole family, children are introduced to the musical instruments of the orchestra, their human characters, they learn what the conductor and other members of the orchestra are usually responsible for. However, even older viewers discover the attention intended for them – a mildly ironic parallel with current events typical of the state and society. In the musical tale, each group of instruments in the orchestra metaphorically reflects our society.
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