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LNSO Gadumija concert in Cēsis


The Latvian National Symphony Orchestra invites its listeners to a joyful celebration of welcoming the year 2025! Gadumija’s concert program will include Béla Bartók’s cycle dedicated to fiery Romanian folk dances, Maurice Ravel’s rhapsodic and virtuoso “Gypsy” for violin and orchestra and his famous “Bolero”. There will be Dvořák’s “Furiante” from the series “Slavic Dances”, the work of the 19th century Spanish violin virtuoso and composer Pablo de Sarasate, as well as the most sparkling works of Johann Strauss. And that’s not all! The orchestra will be joined on stage by the young and brilliant Ukrainian violinist Bohdan Luts – laureate of the prestigious Karl Nilsen International Competition and other notable competitions.

More information: https://www-cesukoncertzale-lv.translate.goog/pasakumi/lnso-gadumijas-koncerts-cesis?_x_tr_sl=lv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp