Merci, Chérie

2024-10-12 8:00 am to
2024-10-27 5:00 pm
Every era has its songs and some songs never go out of time. With Merci, Chérie, a symbol of German-language entertainment music, Udo Jürgens, won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1966 and went on to become a globally successful solo artist, releasing over 50 music albums and accompanying his audience with more than 1000 songs for half a century up until 2014.
More information: https://www-rostock-de.translate.goog/kultur/veranstaltungskalender/merci-ch%C3%A9rie-132144.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp