MK Čiurlionis International Music Festival

When a fresh talent dives into the search for classics, the most unexpected discoveries happen. This time, Martynas Levickis confronts Antonio Vivaldi himself and presents the audience with one of the Italian composer’s most famous concert series, “Four Seasons”.
Although this musical opus is well known to many music lovers, it is a rare opportunity to hear it in this capacity. Combining the forces of an accordion and a string orchestra, the audience is immersed in an incredible musical experience where the performers visionarily combine millennial sounds with modern variations.
Be part of a sensitive and extraordinary evening with Martyn Levickis and the Mikroorkéstra chamber ensemble.
More information: https://www-palangosks-lt.translate.goog/placiau/588?_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp