New Year’s show “Let happiness not pass 2024”

The group will bring a spark of joy to everyone’s heart, and will give a much-needed dose of vitamin C and D in December, and also with comfort – in well-heated and insulated concert halls in Latvia.
A two-part program of musical entertainment will be offered, with an unmissable buffet break, so that everyone can indulge in the temptation of champagne bubbles. In the first part, a small, fun annual report on the presences and absences in the country. On the other hand, in the second one, we will forget that this is a concert with seats, and let us indulge in the joy and merriment of the holiday. As incredible as it may sound, the concert will feature only the gilded song base of the vocal-instrumental ensemble “Lővőlőgais tipis”. Plus some news and a premiere.
More information: https://vkc-lv.translate.goog/notikums/grupas-labveligais-tips-vecgada-sovs-lai-laime-nepariet-2024/?_x_tr_sl=lv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp