Pärnu City Orchestra. Season finale concert ‘Pearly White’

You are invited to the festive ending of the 30th anniversary season of Pärnu City Orchestra! Pärnu City Orchestra was founded in 1994 and this year celebrates its 30th anniversary season, as it keeps classical music in the heart of the resort town. The only professional symphony orchestra in West-Estonia has developed and enriched the local cultural life and Estonian music culture in general, offering high quality musical experiences to the summer capital, the whole of Estonia and international audiences. Soloist Tuuri Dede (mezzo-soprano) Conductor Andres Kaljuste.
More information: https://visitparnu.com/en/objekt/parnu-linnaorkester-hooaja-loppkontsert-parlvalge-2/parnu-linnaorkester-hooaja-loppkontsert-parlvalge/