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Paul Neitsov “Christmas Therapy”


Paul Neitsov’s Christmas Therapy is more than just a concert; it’s a musical embrace of the holiday spirit. One of Estonia’s most skilled guitarists performs timeless songs and enchanting melodies that capture the essence of this special season. The idea of ​​the concert comes from 2022, when Paul had the idea to organize a “therapy session” for himself and the audience before Christmas. In his own way, he will of course do it with the audience this year as well. This year’s “Christmas Therapy” will take place in the month of the musician’s 30th birthday, so the concerts will definitely be a reason for memories and a little nostalgia.

More information: https://www-kultuurimaja-ee.translate.goog/syndmused/paul-neitsov-jouluteraapia/?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=nui