PIANO CONCERT “Andrej Osokin for Ferenc Liszt”

The concert program “Osokins – Liszt” is a tribute to one of the most important composers and virtuosos of piano music of the 19th century – Ferenc Liszt – to his work, personality and life. “This personality appeals to me in some way, that’s why I thought that it is necessary to make a program that would be dedicated to this composer,” pianist Andrejs Osokins explains in the Latvian Radio program “Kultūras Rondo”. Liszt – virtuoso, lover, philosopher, monk, priest, thinker, romantic and tragic hero. These are just some of the facets of his personality that characterize the great composer’s complex life and permeate his music. Osokin points out that Liszt as a composer is characterized by many transformations: “He started as a virtuoso to whom all aristocratic salons are open and who enjoys traveling around Europe, and everyone loves him. [..] At one point he becomes a very religious man, a priest and a monk, and begins to write religious music. Later, at the end of his life, another transformation follows – he becomes a teacher and teaches composers from Latvia as well, such as Ludvig Bētiņa.”
More information: https://www-jkp-lv.translate.goog/notikumi/klavierkoncerts-andrejs-osokins-ferencam-listam/?mnt=1&_x_tr_sl=lv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp