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Preparation workshop and Seminar “Nothing about us without us”

2018-06-02 to 2018-06-04

At the EU Strategy for BSR Forum in Tallinn, on June 4th the Youthful Cities Commission is coorganising together with Council of Baltic Sea States, Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation and Euroregion Baltic the third edition of the seminar “Nothing about us without us” – with a focus on digital tools to raise participation of youth. This is a direct followup of the previous seminars in Stockholm and Berlin.

On June 2nd and 3rd there will be a preparation workshop where approximately 30-40 youth from the Baltic Sea region will be hosted to discuss different digital tools and prepare for the strategy seminar.
All interested in participation should contact Carsten Adamsen at caad@kolding.dk no later than May 16th with a short (max 300 words) description of them, their city, why they have interest in taking part and why the Commission should choose them.

The participants will be chosen on May 17th and then will receive further information.
The UBC Youthful Cities Commission will for chosen youth participants reimburse reasonable travel costs to/from Tallinn and during the stay accomodation and all meals are covered.


Youthful Cities