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QUEEN symphonically


Extraordinary concerts combining the immortal music of the QUEEN band with symphonic arrangements performed by the Alla Vienna choir and orchestra have been delighting fans of the legendary group’s work for over 10 years. QUEEN SYMFONICZNIE is an absolute phenomenon – the originally planned one-off performance turned into a huge concert tour in the largest halls in the country. Over 200,000 people have attended over 350 concerts so far, and every performance is filled to capacity by Queen fans. Alla Vienna musicians, in a smaller group, also performed at the premiere of the film “Bohemian Rhapsody” in November 2018.
It is a two-hour performance divided into two parts, with Queen’s greatest compositions. The finale of the performance will also feature the performance of the soloist, Sebastian Machalski, playing the role of Freddie Mercury. The band will perform its latest program, which includes new songs in unique arrangements for 10 instruments. The second part will also feature solo guitarist Darek Wawrzyniak.

More information: https://filharmoniakoszalinska-pl.translate.goog/queen-symfonicznie-2/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp