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Rakvere Theatre: Onu Vanja


We all have our Uncle Vanja somewhere. A man living someone else’s life. A man who works until the days end. A man without a wife. A man watching life drift past him. Until one day he too will be full.  Not filled with dreams. From passing and passing shots. From decline. Out of anger. Thirst for happiness. About midlife crisis. From autumn. Of unrequited love. Of inevitability. Of hope. About what someone thinks is right. From life.

The action takes place in a country estate in the middle of the woods, which an educated professor takes the trouble to visit with his glamorous young wife. Their arrival will turn upside down not only the living arrangements of the manor residents, but also their souls.

More information: https://elvakultuur-ee.translate.goog/sundmused/rakvere-teater-onu-vanja-5/?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp