Rediscovering Water in the City: Public Realm Strategies on the Waterfront

2016-10-16 8:00 am to
2016-10-19 5:00 pm
On behalf of the city of Klaipeda and the steering group of the UBC, Planning Cities Commission, we are hereby pleased to send you the first invitation to our seminar in Klaipeda, Lithuania in October.
„Rediscovering water in the city: public realm strategies on the waterfront“
A more detailed program will follow around September 1st after a hopefully wonderful summer holiday.
Until then, talk to your colleagues and your boss and mark the dates.
We are looking forward to see you all in Klaipeda.
Kind regards and don’t hesitate to contact Viktorija Jakubauskytė – Andriulienė: viktorija.jakubauskyte@klaipeda.lt Tel.: +370 46 41 00 53; Mobile: +370 663 73747