Round Table on Stakeholder Involvement in the update of the EUSBSR Action Plan

Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation, together with CPMR-Baltic Sea Commission and UBC, organises a Round Table on Stakeholder Involvement in the update of the EUSBSR Action Plan, as an accompanying event of the EUSBSR Annual Forum in Visby, on 29.10.24.
The three Baltic organisations will meet and discuss with the Policy Area Coordinators and National Corrdinators the topics:
How are local and regional authorities involved in the EUSBSR today? What is working – and what not? Expectation towards the future and the update of the AP 2024-2025.
How do the Policy Areas include local and regional actors in the EUSBSR work today? What expectations do PA/NC have towards cities and regions for the future Action Plan?
The discussion will have a format of a few round tables, and the ideas will be a contribution to the the update of the EUSBSR Action Plan.
Meeting by invitation
Round Table On 29.10.24 In Visby
More information: info@ubc.net