Rusty Dusty – concert

Rusty Dusty is a young band from Suwałki, active since September 2023. They play their own melodic and calm songs, as well as those with a sharper sound. They made their debut on stage in Warsaw during the January monthly edition of Filip Borowski’s cabaret “Filip z Konopi”, taking part in the “Pearls in the Crown of Stars” competition organized by the Krzysztof Dzikowski Foundation. Moreover, they could be heard during various cultural and social events, such as the Suwałki finale of WOŚP’24, the Suwałki European May Day ’24, and the MJM Musical May Day Festival. They also had a performance dedicated exclusively to our band in the Chamber Hall of the Suwałki Cultural Center and the honor of warming up the audience before Żurkowski’s performance at the Suwałki Cultural Center. The band has already had its first success, which was winning the Audience Award at the Foreign Language Song Festival, organized by the 3rd Secondary School in Suwałki in February this year.
More information: https://www-ok-sejny-pl.translate.goog/rusty-dusty-koncert/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp