Sejny Meetings with Science “Enchantment with mystery”

The beauty and cultural heritage of the Suwałki region attracts not only artists but also scientists. Many of the latter, spending their holidays here, feel the need for more creative participation and involvement in the life of the host community. This need gave rise to the idea of the festival “Enchantment with mystery. Sejny Meetings with Science”, the eleventh edition of which we will present to you in the summer. The patronage over “Meetings” is held by the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw and the City of Sejny.
Physicists, biologists and humanists staying on vacation in the Suwałki Region, mainly from Warsaw universities and research centres, will share with you every Thursday their enchantment with science and talk about the mysteries of the atom and the Universe, the mysteries of the genetic code, the secrets of microorganisms, the mysteries of ancient civilizations, and finally about the latest research devices in the world and the challenges of computer technology. Each lecture will have questions and discussion section. You don’t need any special science education to be able to experience a great evening, learn a lot and meet interesting people.
More information: https://www-ok-sejny-pl.translate.goog/sejnenskie-spotkania-z-nauka-oczarowanie-tajemnica/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp