Senior Festival 2025

2025-07-23 8:00 am to
2025-07-24 5:00 pm
Festival for seniors at Marielyst College
Come join Denmark’s only festival for seniors when we once again hold a senior festival in the college’s park.
Join us for a blast of a festival when we transform the college’s park into the coziest festival site for the fifth time. Denmark’s only festival for seniors offers events from morning to evening with everything from large and intimate concerts to talks, lectures and debates distributed on various stages indoors and outdoors.
More information: https://www-voresguldborgsund-dk.translate.goog/kalender-kultunaut?_x_tr_sl=da&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp#tmplid=arrmore&ArrNr=18312374