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Sergiej Kriuczkow – Jazz concert


On September 10, our guest will be Sergei Kryuchkov with his band in the program that was included on his solo album entitled. “Songs About The Moon”. You will hear the most beautiful songs about the moon dressed in swing music and jazz.

Sergei Kryuchkov – trumpeter, vocalist, soloist, leader and artistic director of the Riverboat Ramblers Swing Orchestra sextet.
He is also a film actor. He took part in many productions, of which let us mention only a few: “Siberiada Polska” by Janusz Zaorski, “Róża” by Wojciech Smarzowski, “Jack Strong” by Władysław Pasikowski, where he played Leonid Breżniew, “Rojst’97” by Jan Holoubek and “Dom pod Dwoma Orłami” “Waldemar Krzystek.

More information: https://fabrykakultury-pl.translate.goog/repertuar/sergiej-kriuczkow-jazz-w-fabryce-kultury/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp