Slavic Soul concert

SŁOWIAŃSKA DUSZA – an international vocal and instrumental band whose members come from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. The band resounds with violin, accordion, double bass, piano and drums. They were united by their love for music and the desire to save the cultural wealth of the Slavic nations. Folk songs based on traditional Polish, Ukrainian and Belarusian folk songs will be sung. There will also be hits from the interwar period by, among others, Marian Hemar, Henryk Wars, Andrzej Włast.
More information: https://fabrykakultury-pl.translate.goog/repertuar/sobotki-w-parku-koncert-slowianska-dusza-pokaz-fireshow/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp