Smart and Prospering Cities Commission Joint Workshop with BDF

The Smart and Prospering Cities Commission will held a meeting on 29 May 2018 in Malmö, during the Fehmarnbelt Days 2018 in cooperation with Baltic Development Forum:
Digitalization from an urban perspective: Potentials through city collaboration and regionalization, 29 May 2018 – 13.30 to 17.00, Malmö, Clarion Hotel & Congress Malmö.
“Come gather around people wherever you roam and admit that the waters around you have grown. You better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone for the times they are a-changing.” (Bob Dylan).
The increasing digitization is changing all municipal processes and redefines relations between city to society and city to region. Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC) and Baltic Development Forum (BDF) are looking for answers to this disruptive revolution:
- What are the main challenges and opportunities for modern cities?
- Are cooperation and regionalization factors for successful digitalization?
At the meeting the cities, digitization experts and young people will discuss Key Questions:
- What opportunities and challenges face cities as digitalization processes increasingly integrate all sectors of city administration, planning & operations?
- What benefits are imagined for why cities should collaborate on digitalization issues?
- What barriers face cities in regional ‘digitization’ collaboration given the fact that cities compete to attract and retain new digital industries and labour?
More information and registration: http://fehmarnbeltdays.com