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Supeluse Aastalaat 2024


Everything happens again! The legendary Pärnu Annual Fair wakes up the city all day and night to entertain everyone and send off the summer with pride. Already in Swedish times, powerful Annual Fairs were held in Pärnu, where you could feel the scent of vanilla-scented waffles in the air, the carousel spun, and at dusk the fair turned into a large amusement park. Now it’s time to repeat history – a whole day of joy for the whole family and an evening full of magical surprises.

More information: https://visitparnu-com.translate.goog/objekt/supeluse-aastalaat/supeluse-aastalaat/?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp