Symphonie Fantastique

Natural lyricism and passionate madness in a beautiful combination.
Three pieces of evocative music, from nightmares by Natanael Berg to pure horror and screaming popes by Marc Anthony Turnage. The evening ends with Hector Berlioz’s opium dreams, where the manic love allows the listener to follow deep into madness, and finally end up in the infernal fire. A concert with music that grips you and fills the concert hall with strong emotions.
More information: https://evenemang2-malmo-se.translate.goog/en/item/symphonie-fantastique/tehkowyijqftjlwcooq8bmvd8lyqprxf?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp