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Tetiana Galitsyna’s Sand Theater – Little Prince


A family trip to the world of The Little Prince at your fingertips! Tetiana Galitsyna’s Sand Theater, winner of the “Mam Talent” program, together with the Star “Mam Talent” VLODYR, the fastest painter in the world and a group of artists, prepared a unique spectacle – the story of the Little Prince by. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, painted live with sand, light and water, combined with the play of actors, lights and shadows, and the Speed ​​Painting technique. The unforgettable, over one-hour show is complemented by a beautiful musical setting, touching the deepest emotions and taking us to the magical planet of the Little Prince. This warm story will teach children timeless values ​​and remind adults of the power of true friendship. “The Little Prince” is a brilliant story for the whole family, which tells more about life than thick, learned books.

More info: https://www-kupbilecik-pl.translate.goog/imprezy/92028/Rumia/Teatr+Piasku+-+Ma%C5%82y+Ksi%C4%85%C5%BC%C4%99/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp