The Walrus Club meeting

The Walrus Club of Darłowo would like to cordially invite all the walruses to swim together in the cold waters of the Baltic Sea. The swimming will take place on December 10, 2023 on the beach in East Darłówko near the Apollo hotel under the watchful eye of the Darłowo Water Rescue Service.
The meeting point before swimming will be between 11.00 and 11.30 at 1 Helska Street in the area of Darłowski Bunkier, Darłówko Zachodnie. Then, all those who register will go on a march through the streets of Darłówko, going to the bathing place, i.e. the beach in East Darłówko near the Apollo hotel. After bathing together, there will be fun with music and a bonfire.
More information: https://www-darlowo-pl.translate.goog/wydarzenie/wielka-mobilizacja/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp