
Lea Laven, Kai Hyttinen, Marion Rung and Markku Aro definitely belong to the top of Finnish iskelmä music. In their own unique way, each artist has made a great impression on the audience. They have achieved a position that few can. Familiar hits can easily be played along with, and many good ingredients are duplicated this way again and again. The strengths of their production are timelessness and the endurance of music from one generation to another. Now you can finally jump into the journey of these iconic stars and immerse yourself in the world of memorable hits at the concert of the Together tour at Promenadikeskus! As a novelty, the diamond team promises interesting duets, surprises and “once in a lifetime” experiences! The program is put together by conductor Esa Nieminen, and the tour is accompanied by the Celebration Orchestra led by Nieminen.
More information: https://tapahtumat-pori-fi.translate.goog/fi/tapahtumat/yhdessa-2024-01-20?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp