TRIO ELPO jazz / instrumental

TRIO ELPO was born in 2016, three like-minded musicians and friends – Jānis Rubiks, Edgars Cīrulis and Rūdolfs Dankfelds make music in it. The trio performs self-composed music that combines elements of jazz, academic and rock music.
The trio’s sound is characterized by wide, meditative musical landscapes, strong and dynamic rhythmic structures, as well as energetic and exciting interplay between the musicians. The core of this trio’s concept is to write and play music that allows listeners to experience flow, flow and organicity, bringing together the best of many musical worlds.
TRIO ELPO has performed together with the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, performed extensively both in Latvia and abroad, as well as released their mini EP on the music streaming site Spotify (2017).
More information:https: //www.valmierasnovads.lv/events/trio-elpo-dzezs-instrumentali/