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UBC Conference on Integration of New Citizens in Rostock

2018-03-12 to 2018-03-14

Being a follow-up of the conference on the impact of the European refugees crisis in the Baltic cities, organized in Rostock in March 2016, the UBC Conference on Integration “Sharing the European Dream” will try to address the questions on the role of migration in the cities development. How should our cities be in 20 years? How to master the integration of new citizens as full members of the society? How to live, work and learn together to share the European dream?

You can follow the conference live on UBC’s Youtube channel at bit.ly/ubc-youtube:

  • 13 March 10.00-11.00 (CET): Opening plenary session
  • 13 March 11.15-12.45 and 14.30-16.00 (CET): workshop “Sharing Culture”
  • 14 March 9.00-10.30, 11.00-12.30, 14.00-15.30 (CET): Plenary session

During eight workshops, using modern analytical methods, equipped with the lessons of the past, the participants from the Baltic Sea region including migrants are expected to work out interesting concepts. The conference will be accompanied by examples of various cultural influences the newcomers bring to our cities.

“It is essential for local societies that old and new citizens to learn to live together. Helping hands towards both sides and a proper social environment are a good basis for that. Let’s jump into the time machine and see what we can learn from each other. Then let’s jump out and, all-together, make the dream come true”.

Looking into 2038 – how to become integrated cities and societies?

The conference will be a real time machine that takes you to a risky but gratifying ride from 1948 till 2038. Are you ready?

If so you will be present in Rostock, where you will participate actively in creating the reality of our well integrated societies for the year 2038. We all want a high level of quality of life and to guarantee the future for our grandchildren.

Come and share your experience of migration, or of the generations before you, share your experience of living together with new migrants, share your dream of how to live together in 2038!

Read the attached invitation of Peter Wolkowinski, the moderator of the conference, to catch the idea of the event in Rostock.

Register by 5 March 2018 at: http://bit.ly/2Dc8TPT

Programe Brochure
