Valmiermuiža ethnomusic festival

2024-07-06 to 2024-07-07
The most ambitious ethnomusical event in Latvia is planned to meet again in Valmiermuiž on July 6, 2024! For the seventh year, the International Valmiermuiža Ethnomusic Festival will gather seekers of unique and authentic experiences, as well as outstanding soloists and contemporary ethnomusic groups from Latvia, Mongolia, Portugal and Ukraine, offering one of the most exciting music festivals this summer. Musical adventure – traditional, meditative, postmodern, rocking and danceable!
More information: https://visit-valmiera-lv.translate.goog/pasakumi/valmiermuizas-etnomuzikas-festivals-3/?_x_tr_sl=lv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp