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Vijas Ilze Dzintare’s sculpture exhibition “Marble. Granite. Poetry.”

2023-06-30 to 2023-10-01

An arc is a traveled path with a return to the starting point in space. One of my first personal exhibitions was held in 1992 in Jēkabpils. Then, the bronze sculptures expressed the movement and movement full of unrest in the exposition of the exhibition. Now I’m back with white marble works that express a light peace, but also contrast with the black granite and stone images on the tablets. In 1993, Jēkabpils also installed my works in the environment – the sculptures “Vārti” and “Austras koks”. In this exhibition, together with other stone figures in photos, they complete the exhibition.

The bow is also the gate of Light through which we enter, as the eternal secret of life, as a continuation in children, family and nation. These are themes that I have represented in sculptural images throughout my life.

More information: https://www-jkp-lv.translate.goog/notikumi/vijas-ilzes-dzintares-telniecibas-izstade-marmors-granits-dzeja/?mnt=1&_x_tr_sl=lv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp